We Are the Colossal Webs Company
The Colossal Webs Company LLC (Formerly The Global Web Company (GWC)), has offered various Internet, consulting, and computer training services to individuals and businesses since 1999. We can help you achieve your mission-critical goals as relate to Web-hosting and design, networking, and general computing.
We HostWebsites
We RegisterDomain Names
We ProvideWeb and Internet Solutions
The Colossal Webs Company LLC (Formerly The Global Web Company (GWC)) has been a leader in Web-hosting and Internet solutions since 1999. Our goal has always been to provide mission-critical Web hosting as well as Internet presence solutions to our customers, be they businesses, institutions or individuals with sophisticated, moderate or simple needs. Located in Stroudsburg, PA 18360, USA, The Colossal Webs Company has a worldwide customer base, with clients in Asia, Europe, Africa, and Northern and Southern America. Our custoners enjoy top-notch services and benefit from our extensive expertise. Our motto is: "Colossal Web-hosting and Internet presence solutions at affordable rates." We offer a complete product line, ranging from comprehensive hosting solutions to Website creation tools, domain name registration, Secure SSL certificates, personalized email services with anti-spam and anti-virus filtering, e-commerce tools, and more. We will even design your bochures, business cards, business folders, letterhead stationery, and PowerPoint presentations. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop Web, Internet and computing solutions provider. Please feel free to click through our site to familiarize yourself with our various offerings. You can also visit the quick links below.
What We Offer: Quick View

All of our web hosting plans are carefully tailored to satisfy a variety of needs ranging from optionally eCommerce enabled Shared Hosting plans for those who know how to design and deploy a Website, Managed Hosting for those who want us to design, deploy, host and manage their Websites, Website Builder for those who want to build heir own site the simple and easy way, Email Hosting for those with simple needs who simply want to have email accounts that reflect their identity, and Reseller Hosting for those who want to resell our Web-hosting services.

Thanks to our partnerships with world-renown ICANN-accredited domain name registrars, we are able to offer hundreds of traditionally neutral top-level domains (.com, .net, .org, etc.), country top-level domains such as (.us, .eu, .cn, .mx, .ca, .fr, .be, .de, ,cd, etc.) as well as the newly approved specialized domains (.mobi, .lawyers, .xxx, .blog, .news, .ngo, .video, etc.) at very affordable rates.

Whether independently or as an offering within our Managed Hosting packages, we offer amazing Web design services that leave no one behind. We will design your Website based on your specifications, and if you so wish, we will host it on our own servers at very affordable rates. And if your desire is to deploy an eCommerce Website looking to sell services online, we can help you with that too!

Build the confidence of your customers by encrypting their visits or login information when visiting your Website. With hackers on the prowl all over the Internet, secured Websites go a long way mitigating the effects of online fraud and identity theft.

In addition to our Web-Design Services, we also offer:
– Graphics Design Services: We will design your brochures, business cards, folders, letterhead stationery and PowerPoint presentations.
– Consulting and Training: We help you to evaluate and achieve your goals and satisfy your needs in the areas of Technology, Computer Usage and Training, Web and Internet Training, Networking, etc.).
– Translation Services: We translate Software, Websites, and various types of documents to and from languages such as French/English/Spanish, etc.). Contact us to see if we handle your language